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Dan Platt
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Happy birthday mate xxx
Thursday 19 April2012 - Wirral
Kate x x
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Nearly 26 Sam.boy we're getting old and i don't like it one bit!! Still miss you, loads of love to the family, keep looking after them x x
Monday 16 April2012 - Liverpool
Dan Platt
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Sleep tight mate. Be a good angel for your mum xxxxxxx
Friday 16 December2011 - Greasby
Went to Calday last night to watch the school pay tribute to another pupil who had died last week, from a similar situation like you. It was a lovely send off, something that I wish we cud have dun if the Chinese lanterns were around then, but I paid my respects and thought of you and Mark as whenever things like this happen it always brings back the painful memories of when you were both taken away, another sad time for Calday. XX
Friday 14 October2011 - Wirral
Matt M
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Thinking of you Sam, Love you always mate! x
Monday 18 July2011
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